How to use the IPAF Accident Reporting Portal

Please note: The IPAF Accident Reporting Portal supports modern (up-to-date) browsers including Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. If you are using Internet Explorer, you may experience issues and we urge you to swap to a different browser.


Export & Import Instructions

How to bulk import data

IMPORTANT: You will need to make sure that the format of your data matches the options included on the main ‘Report An Accident’ form on the Accident Reporting Portal. More information on the data that you can import can be found here.

  • Enter your accidents onto the IPAF Accident Portal Import Template CSV file which can be found here.
  • Sign into the IPAF Accident Portal
  • Click ‘Import Reports’ in the top navigation
  • Select ‘Import CSV’ and choose the CSV file that you want to upload
  • If you have access to multiple organisations / subsidiaries then you will have the option to select the correct organisation / subsidiary for your import from a dropdown list
  • Tick the checkbox to confirm that you have not included any personal or identifiable data in your CSV file.


Rolling back an import

  • When you import your data, a message will appear at the top of the screen with the Import ID
  • If there is an issue with the import then this can be rolled back by going to 'Import Reports', selecting the 'Rollback Import' option and then entering the Import ID
  • If you’re unsure of the Import ID then you can contact the IPAF team and they will be able to provide this for you


How to export data

  • Sign into the IPAF Accident Portal
  • Click ‘Download Reports’ in the top navigation
  • If you have access to multiple organisations / subsidiaries then you will have the option to select the correct organisation / subsidiary that you would like to export from a dropdown list